This is not a t-shirt. This is a fotomemo.

Open your camera, scan the QR code and see your t-shirt become alive. We design augmented reality experiences that move on top of the t-shirt to make you laugh, surprised or... scared sometimes. Grab yours and become a hit at parties ! Meet girls ! Blow grandma's mind ! Maintain untold riches and fame ! Ok maybe not that last one. Girls will definitely talk to you though.

1. Scan

2. Enjoy the magic

Watch the funny / surprising / scary / weird augmented reality scene, which captures you with the shirt on and an animation that moves on top of the design printed on it. The animation follows the printed design on your shirt, so even if you move, it will look like you're wearing a TV on your torso.

What's the point you may ask ? Well, not much really. Just as any other form of art, it’s merely an entertaining but mindless way to watch life pass you by ;-)

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